Let's co-create with all life for a thriving world
Let's co-create with all life for a thriving world
Welcome to The Park Ecovillage Findhorn Community, in the north of Scotland since 1962.
Let's co-create with
all life for a thriving world
Let's co-create with
all life for a thriving world
Welcome to the Ecovillage Findhorn Community, centred at The Park in the north of Scotland since 1962.
We’re exploring collaborative ways to live more consciously in harmony with each other, with the Earth, and with all life, seen and unseen.
Starting with ourselves, we’re aiming to co-create a more resilient, sustainable and thriving world.
This website is a gateway into the people, happenings, practices and groups that have been co-creating this community for over 60 years. Right now we are involved in an exciting community buy-out (we're calling it a buy-in) of land and properties currently owned by the Findhorn Foundation. Come and join us!
The Community Buy-Out
As we celebrate our 62nd birthday, the first part of the Community Buy-In has been achieved:
a large part of The Park, including the Universal Hall, has now moved from the Findhorn Foundation Trust into community ownership.
Congratulations to the Ecovillage Findhorn Community Benefit Society team
for an incredible achievement after a tough year-long journey. Read more about this here
or click below to support the buy-in.
Pick your unique Angel for today
Guidance for you from Innerlinks, the creators of the Transformation Game©
The Findhorn Ecovillage Community's Angel for 2025 is ... SYNTHESIS

This month's Angel is ...
‘Start right now becoming more and more aware
of the things that matter in life.
Eileen Caddy, co-founder of the Findhorn Ecovillage Community
Sign up!
Join our mailing list for news on our fast-changing community, plus new events, workshops and courses being added to the calendar.
We won't spam you, and we'll only share info we think you'll find useful.
With thanks to Gaia Education, here at The Park, for offering their platform for our community site. Thanks also to Mark Richards and Hugo Klip for the main images.