Take a flight over the Sanctuary

Enjoy a bird’s eye view of the new Sanctuary, thanks to resident photographer Mark Richards. Apart from beautiful aerial views of the Bay and the Park, get a glimpse of how the Sanctuary echoes the design of the Universal Hall.
Mark, of Aurora Imaging, is behind many of the beautiful images on this site.
‘Having been away, I was eager to see how close to completion the sanctuary was looking,’ says Mark. ‘I realised it was nearly midday when the low Winter sun may just be clearing enough trees to illuminate the site, so I decided to fly my small drone, Baby Kes, and film what I could see from the air.
‘I love the perspective a drone enables. A better overview than from the ground but not so high and extremely vertical as from a light aircraft. Far easier to control and so much cheaper!
‘The Sanctuary is looking good now, almost there. It’s a gorgeous building and offers much more space and comfort than the old wooden structures – though I have to say I really miss the simplicity and immediacy of what was.
‘I’m looking forward to experiencing this new space and whatever energy it holds and what remains imbued from the ground of this original site. Hope to see you there soon.’
Thank you Mark, for your tireless and beautiful visual chronicling of our community life.
Video by AuroraFindhorn
Music: Yo Yo Ma - "Prelude From Suite No.1 in G Major for Cello"
Aurora Imaging https://www.auroraimaging.eu/